"There are no rules for good photographs, there are only good photographs"
Ansel Adams
Fellowship is the highest qualification attainable and recognises distinguished individual ability and exceptional standards of excellence.
The Royal Photographic Society's distinctions are internationally respected and sought after. The RPS is an educational charity with a Royal Charter and was founded in 1853 "to promote the Art and Science of Photography"
My love of photography started at the age of 8 when my father gave me one of his old cameras, an analogue Voightlander, and taught me how to use it ...and I has been taking photographs ever since! I believe in getting the image right in the camera and so the time I spend in post production is minimal.
In 1999 I took my photography to the next level by going back to College, and achieved a B Tech Diploma in Photography at West Herts College in 2000, achieving distinction in my Final Major Project in Motorcycle Racing and also winning an Industry Award. My work has been published in leading magazines and both the local and national press.
In 2010 I qualified as a Fellow of the British Institute of Professional Photography in the category of Motorsport and In 2016 I joined The Royal Photographic Society and was awarded the Associateship in recognition of my work.
Although I specialized in professional sports photography, and in particular motorcycle racing, I have undertaken a wide variety of other work and commissions including environmental portraiture, landscape and commercial photography, always enjoying the opportunity of photographing something new.
In 2023 I completed a three year Diploma in Garden Design at Capel Manor College. This included a year studying the Practice and Principles of Garden Design and a year studying Plants and Planting Design.
Many of the design skills learnt as a professional photographer are transferable and as I have been making gardens since my early 20's I have thoroughly enjoyed this transition.